Monday 11 July 2011

Poached Eggs, Royale style

Daddy's finally here! So for his first morning here, I thought I'd whip up a quick aussie styled breakfast, eggs royale which is essentially english muffin top with salmon, poached eggs and hollandaise sauce.

So I started of with preparing my poach eggs first. I like to poach my eggs using cling wrap to secure and maintain the round oval shape of my eggs. It is very important to brush some oil on your cling wrap before cracking your egg in because it would prevent the eggs from sticking when you remove the cling wrap for serving. Time duration for cooking the eggs is just 3-4 mins in boiling water, quick and easy!

Poached Eggs

To go with my poached eggs, I sautéd some spinish and mushrooms in butter, and season with salt and pepper to taste. Got some english muffin toasting and with my smoked salmon ready, it was ready to plate up! Oh by the way, its really important to get fresh smoked salmon for this dish as it just takes the dish up to a whole new level. I didn't really had time to make hollandaise sauce but I will attempt it soon when Ive got more time.

And soooo voila! the finishing dish!

Ahhhh~~ thats goodness right there ;)
 Hope you'll had a nice day!

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